Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BSCS)

The HiAST, Hyderabad offers BSCS Degree Program to the interested candidates with effect from the academic year 2021. The affiliation has been granted to start this this program by Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro. The details of the program are as under:

Name of Degree Program Degree No. of Seats
i Bachelor of Science in Computer Science BS(CS) 40



Admissions to the First Year for Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BCSC) Degree Program are made according to the policies and rules, framed by the authorities of Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro from time to time. The rules mentioned in this prospectus are subject to revision by the competent authority of the University as and when deemed necessary and without any notice. The admission will be made against 40 seats available for the program on open merit basis for the candidates holding the domicile of Sindh Province only and the admission process will be conducted by Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro.


The candidates who apply for admission on the basis of fake certificates / documents (detected before or after their admission) shall be prosecuted under criminal law and their admission shall be cancelled. Additionally, they may also be debarred for a period of three years for future admission and all payments made to the MUET, Jamshoro / HiAST, Hyderabad shall be forfeited in favor of the HiAST.

Eligibility for Admission


The candidates who have passed their Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSC Part-II) Annual Examination of 2021 under any of the following group or equivalent or have passed their HSC Part-II Annual Examination during 2018 to 2020 and have secured at least 60% marks (Grace marks shall not be considered) from any recognized Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education in Pakistan or from foreign countries, are eligible to apply for admission.

Name of Degree Program Name of Group of Studies Eligibility for Admission
i Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. Pre-Engineering Group
Pre-Medical Group
General Science Group

The candidates who have passed the above examinations or equivalent before Annual Examination 2018 shall not be eligible for admission.

Those students, who were admitted to any other universities / institutes before applying for admission and were rusticated, debarred or their admissions were cancelled, shall not be considered for admission. Additionally, if the students withhold information regarding such a disciplinary action and they were granted admission; their admission will be cancelled immediately after ascertaining such facts. Those candidates who have been convicted involving moral turpitude shall also be refused admission. Since the admission form is a legal document, any wrong information provided therein or tampering it in any other way is illegal and may result in rejection of the form out rightly.

1. Fees Payable at the Time of Admission:

(a) Fees payable to MUET, Jamshoro*

Admission Fee
(Per Year)
Marks Certificate Verification Fee
Enrollment Card Fee
Total Fee payable to MUET, Jamshoro (a)

(b) Fees payable to HiAST, Hyderabad

Semester Fee
(Rs. 7,500-00 Per Month)
Security Deposit
Total Fee payable to HiAST, Hyderabad (b)
(a). and (b).

2. Annual Admission Fees payable to MUET, Jamshoro

Annual Admission Fees payable to MUET, Jamshoro
(for the 2nd, 3rd and 4th years of studies)

3. Fees payable at the Start of each Semester:

Semester Fees
payable to HiAST, Hyderabad

* The candidates / students are required to pay admission fee at the time of admission and at the start of every odd semester in the HBL Bank Account No. 00427991903403 in any branch of Habib Bank Limited , through challan available on the MUET admissions website.

** The Security Deposit is charged once at the time of admission and the same is refunded upon written request of the students after successful completion of their studies.

Admission Fee Refund Policy:

Where the University strictly follows the National Level Fee Refund Policy at Higher Education Institutions at Pakistan which is as under:

% of Admission Fee Timeline for Semester
Full 100% fee refund Up to 7th day (including holidays) of convene of classes
Half 50% fee refund Up to 15th day(including holidays) of convene of classes
No Refund 0% From 16th day of convene of classes.

Note: All fees shall be paid on or before the 10th day of every month. A late payment surcharge of Rs.100/- will be charged till 15th day of the month. If the fee is not paid till the 15th day of the month, late payment surcharge of Rs. 500/- will be charged, which shall not be waived off.

Prospectus for BS(CS) PROGRAM

The information presented here is general, the detailed information can be found in the Prospectus.

Download BS-CS Prospectus Session 2023